Dunia Fashion | Berbagai Jenis Metode Pencetakan T-Shirt

Kaos tersedia dalam berbagai warna dan desain. Jadi, menjadi jauh lebih mudah untuk menemukan jenis kaos yang cantik dan beragam di pasaran. Ketika Anda masih muda, cobalah untuk memiliki koleksi sebanyak mungkin di lemari pakaian Anda. Saat berbicara tentang jenis pencetakan t-shirt, ada beberapa jenis pencetakan. konveksi surabaya adalah yang modern, yang tradisional, dan yang disesuaikan. Untuk membeli kaos Anda, Anda harus menentukan yang Anda butuhkan.
Pencetakan Digital Modern

Pencetakan digital adalah pencetakan langsung pada pakaian. Ini adalah konsep yang lebih baru dan kadang-kadang dikenal berfungsi seperti printer inkjet. Bagian terbaiknya adalah mereka menggunakan cetakan dengan resolusi lebih tinggi. Ini memberikan gambar detail pada pakaian. Pencetakan kaos digital membuat cetakan menjadi lembut di baju. Mereka paling cocok dengan karya seni yang memiliki gradien, nada, dan nuansa yang berbeda. Mereka sebagian besar konveksi murah surabaya ditemukan tahan lama. Biaya pencetakan semacam ini sangat rendah. Ada satu kali desain yang memungkinkan dengan jenis pencetakan. Mereka memberikan finishing profesional.
Sablon Tradisional

Ini dianggap sebagai salah satu jenis pencetakan kaos terbaik. Pencetakan menciptakan efek templat atau stensil. Pencetakan dilakukan dengan menahan layar pada tempatnya. Sebelumnya layar sutra digunakan, sekarang telah diganti dengan jaring nilon. Tinta dibanjiri ke layar. Untuk memastikan jumlah tinta yang tepat masuk ke seluruh bagian kaos, alat pembersih karet digunakan untuk menekan cat. Setelah desain dicat layar dihapus. Kemudian cat dikeringkan atau disembuhkan. Ini adalah cara yang bagus bagi perusahaan untuk melakukan produksi massal. Keuntungan lain adalah mereka tersedia dengan harga murah. Pencetakan juga dapat dilakukan dalam beberapa warna. Jenis pencetakan ini cepat untuk mencetak desain yang sama beberapa kali. Pencetakan berkualitas tinggi.

Pencetakan Disesuaikan

Dengan pencetakan yang disesuaikan, siapa pun dapat membeli t-shirt sesuai keinginan mereka. Ada mesin khusus yang digunakan untuk proses pencetakan. Mereka dapat mencetak Anda logo, sembarang tagline atau bahkan wajah Anda. Sebagian besar orang memilih pencetakan kaos yang disesuaikan untuk keperluan kado agar menjadikannya hadiah yang berkesan dengan mencetak foto-foto khusus. Bahkan perusahaan yang lebih besar mengambil bantuan metode ini untuk mencetak t-shirt sesuai dengan kode berpakaian mereka.
T-shirts are available in various colors and designs. So, it has become much easier to find beautiful and varied kind of t-shirts in the market. While you are a young man try to have as much collection as you can have in your wardrobe. While talking about the t-shirt printing types, there are several types of printing. They are the modern ones, the traditional ones, and the customized one. In order to buy your t-shirt, you have to be determined about the ones you need.
Modern Digital Printing
The digital printing is direct printing on the garment. It is a newer concept and is sometimes known to work like an inkjet printer. The best part is that they use higher resolution prints. This gives detailed images on the garments. The digital t-shirt printing makes the prints to be soft on the shirts. They look best with artworks that have gradients, tones, and different shadings. They are mostly found to be long lasting. The cost of this kind of printing is very low. There are one-off designs possible with the types of printing. They give a professional finishing.
Traditional Screen Printing
This is considered to be one of the best types of t-shirt printing. The printing creates a template or stencil effect. The printing is done by holding the screen in place. Earlier the silk screens were used, now it has been replaced by a nylon mesh. The ink is flooded to the screen. To ensure the right amount of ink gets into all the parts of the shirts a squeegee is used to press down the paint. After the design is painted the screen is removed. Then the paint is dried or cured. This is a great way for the companies to do mass production. Another advantage is that they are available at a low rate. The printing can also be done in several colors. This type of printing is fast to print same design multiple times. The printing is of supreme quality.
Customized Printing
With the customized printing anyone can buy t-shirts according to their desires. There are specialized machines that are used for the printing process. They can print you a logo, any taglines or even your face. Most of the people choose the customized t-shirt printing for gifting purposes for making them a memorable gift by printing the special photos. Even the bigger companies take the help of this method to get the t-shirts printed according to their dress code.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9691452
T-shirts are available in various colors and designs. So, it has become much easier to find beautiful and varied kind of t-shirts in the market. While you are a young man try to have as much collection as you can have in your wardrobe. While talking about the t-shirt printing types, there are several types of printing. They are the modern ones, the traditional ones, and the customized one. In order to buy your t-shirt, you have to be determined about the ones you need.
Modern Digital Printing
The digital printing is direct printing on the garment. It is a newer concept and is sometimes known to work like an inkjet printer. The best part is that they use higher resolution prints. This gives detailed images on the garments. The digital t-shirt printing makes the prints to be soft on the shirts. They look best with artworks that have gradients, tones, and different shadings. They are mostly found to be long lasting. The cost of this kind of printing is very low. There are one-off designs possible with the types of printing. They give a professional finishing.
Traditional Screen Printing
This is considered to be one of the best types of t-shirt printing. The printing creates a template or stencil effect. The printing is done by holding the screen in place. Earlier the silk screens were used, now it has been replaced by a nylon mesh. The ink is flooded to the screen. To ensure the right amount of ink gets into all the parts of the shirts a squeegee is used to press down the paint. After the design is painted the screen is removed. Then the paint is dried or cured. This is a great way for the companies to do mass production. Another advantage is that they are available at a low rate. The printing can also be done in several colors. This type of printing is fast to print same design multiple times. The printing is of supreme quality.
Customized Printing
With the customized printing anyone can buy t-shirts according to their desires. There are specialized machines that are used for the printing process. They can print you a logo, any taglines or even your face. Most of the people choose the customized t-shirt printing for gifting purposes for making them a memorable gift by printing the special photos. Even the bigger companies take the help of this method to get the t-shirts printed according to their dress code.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9691452


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